2 Important Kitchen Remodeling Tips From Our Clients

Source: Davide Lupberger - The Remodeler's Guide to Happy Customers

Source: Davide Lupberger - The Remodeler's Guide to Happy Customers

Design Takes Time

The key to good design is not rushing the process. While there is definitely a scientific component to design, it is in large part letting everything come together on its own. As you work through building out your kitchen in the design phase you will get into a flow. This may require several different tries at getting one aspect of your kitchen remodeling design right. Patience is a virtue that will take you far in this phase of the project.

Some things come together quicker than others which can easily give you unreasonable expectations.  For example, when choosing a paint color for your walls, you and your interior designer may hit on the exact color in the first five minutes of your search. However, it could also take weeks. It is difficult to say if something will take a long time or come to you quickly. The moral of the story is to be patient with your design and it will all come together.

It is Worth It in The End

One of our more recent kitchen remodeling projects in Marin County lasted almost two years. Of course, this was a complete home remodel where we basically stripped everything down to the shell and started over. The kitchen remodel was only one small aspect of the larger project. During the two year process of design and construction our clients went through the roller coaster effect identified above. They questioned if it was worth it several times when they were tired of being out of their home. When we finally made it to the end, they were ecstatic with the results and could then see that the wait was very much worth it. Here is the way they described moving back into their newly remodeled home: “It feels amazing to be back in our home and we finally feel like this design has our name written all over it. This is truly our home now. Everything is exactly us.” It feels good to be in a home you love. It feels good to be in a new kitchen that is designed specifically for you. 


Whether you are just starting the kitchen remodeling process or have hit a wall in pulling all the pieces of design together, take some of these thoughts into consideration as you move forward. Take your time, plan for the ups and downs and know that it will all be worth it in the end. Read more with our free ebook below.

Posted on November 20, 2014 and filed under kitchen Design.